We are leaving tomorrow for Troy, I spoke to Agamemnon quickly and he mentioned something about a young up and comer from the business who would be good for Iphigenia. Again, his interest in the kids’ lives shocked me. But in this case it likely has some kind of benefit for Mycenaean Corp., this young up and comer ‘Achilles’ probably has something Agamemnon wants.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
Chryseis, Cassandra, Clytemnestra? Whatever.
It’s been a while since I last posted and things have been happening. Firstly Agamemnon’s been away for months now and we’ve yet to receive a single phone call. I don’t mind so much but Orestes really looks up to his father (pains me to say it) and it would mean a lot to him if he called. This is especially the case as whenever Orestes calls him there is no answer. Today I tried to get in touch with him and actually succeeded, he finally picked up! But what does he say when he answers? “Chryseis, is that you?... Cassandra?” Try Clytemnestra you despicable man. I shouldn’t have been shocked really to hear other women’s names as I always suspected he was not faithful to our ‘marriage’ as I was. But it was just unfortunate for him that I happened to get this evidence of his sleeping around when I had yet to grill him over the whole Demodocus issue.
Once I’d shouted for a good twenty minutes, I brought up the reason for my call. I couldn’t have been more surprised when he agreed that not only hadn’t he had much contact with the kids, but that I should bring them over for a week so he could see them. I have never been so shocked in my life. However not wanting to jinx what I was hearing I quickly agreed and booked the flights for three weeks from today. Orestes will be so glad.
In other news, I took Aegisthus up on his offer for coffee and it’s since become a weekly thing. Sometimes two times a week. I can’t describe how nice it is to be with someone who listens to what I have to say. I feel we have grown much closer these past few months and that I’ve found someone I can truly trust.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Seedy old man, obnoxious husband and handsome neighbour – all in a day
For the past few months not much has happened, same old same old. Kids are fine, a few conversations with and smiles from Aegisthus... And then today something which made me livid. After coming back from dropping Orestes off at school I found the old gardener Demodocus snooping around my bedroom! Naturally I screamed at him and demanded to know what he was doing. Aegisthus was just leaving for work when he heard my screaming and came rushing inside through the door I’d left open. We managed to get it out of Demodocus that Agamemnon had paid him extra to keep an eye on me!! Who does Agamemnon think he is? A King? While listening to me rant and rave Aegisthus permanently dismissed Demodocus, and then continued to listen patiently as I apologised profusely for involving him and making him late for work... It was humiliating. Yet, somehow I believed him when he said he didn’t mind. Hmm.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Can coffee with an attractive and confident man ever be just coffee?
I spoke to Aegisthus today while on my way out to the shops. If I was imagining his flirting with me before I certainly wasn’t today. I felt myself being coaxed into accepting his offers for coffee before realising what I was saying. I told him maybe some other time and made a hasty retreat down the driveway.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
730 days to go
Agamemnon left yesterday and I’m exhausted from getting all his washing done in time. He did end up speaking to Iphigenia and Orestes. Just. Now it appears it’s going to be a relatively calm two years...
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
If only my lottery predictions were as accurate.
So I told the kids today because I thought it best they know as soon as possible, and as predicted I was the one to see their hurt while Agamemnon was Zeus knows where. Iphigenia was upset but seemed to take it better than Orestes. I think that’s because she often stays with her friends on campus and doesn’t see him as much (or should I say little?) as Orestes and me. Orestes asked a bunch of questions I couldn’t answer which made him frustrated with me. As soon as Agamemnon gets home (assuming he doesn’t stay at the office which he has done before) I am going to make him talk to the kids. Fair enough we don’t care for each other and he neglects me, but I will not let him do the same to our children. To make this situation even worse it appears the attractive next door neighbour Aegisthus overheard my conversation with the children. For some strange reason the man unabashedly flirts with me even though he knows good and well I am married to a man with a temper. And even more perplexing, his comments and smiles actually have an effect on me! I can’t help but turn into a blushing school girl whenever he is around. If he continues to hang around his backyard as he was today, the next two years could involve me blushing a great deal.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
So I'm starting a blog...
I'm not quite sure how this blogging works, but all I know is that I need to vent. Last night Agamemnon told me he has yet another business trip to go on, but this time he’s going to be away for two years! The only details I managed to get out of him before he retired into his study was that his brother Menelaus pitched the idea and he needed Agamemnon to head the project in Troy. It’s not like I’m not used to getting no explanation or being alone even, because trust me with all these trips he goes on for Mycenaean Corp. and with the kids at school and uni, I practically live by myself anyway. What’s bothering me this time is that he said he leaves in one week. A week! That means not only will I be stuck with all his washing and packing, but he will most definitely find a way to busy himself at work with the preparations and leave without telling the kids. That means I’ll have to be the one to let Iphigenia and Orestes know and once again I am the bad guy.
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