Monday 1 February 2010

An emotional and eventful month.

Orestes and I have been home for a month now. I just couldnt bring myself to write before now. Agamemnon has taken my Iphigenia away from me. Everything was a ploy. Wanting to see the kids, the young up and comer – all of it. He just wanted to get Iphigenia over there to help with the business. He offered her a job and after she signed the contract he sent her off to some remote village to do research where there is no contact with the outside world and wont be indefinitely. I COULD NOT SEE HER FOR YEARS. He did this all behind my back!! As soon as I found out what he did I took Orestes and came straight home.

The situation is so close to events in my past that old memories and hurt have been filling my head and heart for weeks. I dont know what I would have done if Aegisthus hadnt been here to support me. Not only has he been my rock, but has had such a soothing effect on me he even got me to open up about my past. I told him about my previous family, my husband Tantalus and children, how they too were taken away, but in this case at the hand of Mycenaean Corp. products. How Agamemnon and I only became acquainted and in turn married due to a compensation deal which would provide for me and protect and save the face of the company. We were never in love, the marriage was more of a business transaction, but Agamemnon showed some humanity in agreeing to the deal. I told Aegisthus all of this and he listened, then shared his own troubled past. I dont know how to describe it, but after this conversation something changed between us. I feel like I am closer to him than Ive been to anyone in a long time.