Well. The dinner failed. The doctors say that the fruit in the dessert was the cause of the Mycenaean team’s food poisoning and also what Agamemnon choked on. Agamemnon choked and couldn’t be revived. He is gone. Orestes and Iphigenia (wherever my girl is) are now fatherless because Aegisthus and I had no choice, after being waved off by Agamemnon many times, but to tell him about us during dessert – just when he happened to be taking a large bite out of the fruit crumble. I feel like it’s my fault and even I can’t deny how suspect it looks with Aegisthus and I together. Even worse is that I just know from the way Orestes has been looking at us, that he blames Aegisthus and me for what happened. I truly hope he understands that it was an accident and that he doesn’t foster any kind of resentment toward us... Only time will tell I suppose...
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