For the past few months not much has happened, same old same old. Kids are fine, a few conversations with and smiles from Aegisthus... And then today something which made me livid. After coming back from dropping Orestes off at school I found the old gardener Demodocus snooping around my bedroom! Naturally I screamed at him and demanded to know what he was doing. Aegisthus was just leaving for work when he heard my screaming and came rushing inside through the door I’d left open. We managed to get it out of Demodocus that Agamemnon had paid him extra to keep an eye on me!! Who does Agamemnon think he is? A King? While listening to me rant and rave Aegisthus permanently dismissed Demodocus, and then continued to listen patiently as I apologised profusely for involving him and making him late for work... It was humiliating. Yet, somehow I believed him when he said he didn’t mind. Hmm.